
Dental Operating Microscopes are utilized in JL Endodontics.

The following procedures benefit from the use of the microscope:

  • locating hidden canals that have been obstructed by calcifications and reduced in size;
  • removing materials such as solid obturation materials (silver points and carrier-based materials), posts or separated instruments;
  • removing canal obstructions;
  • assisting in access preparation to avoid unnecessary destruction of mineralized tissue, repairing biological and iatrogenic perforations;
  • locating cracks and fractures that are neither visible to the naked eye nor palpable with an endodontic explorer; and
  • facilitating all aspects of endodontic surgery, particularly in root-end resection and placement of retrofilling material. 


JL ENDODONTICS utilizes the most up to date technology in the field of Endodontics, including a CBCT unit.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a diagnostic imaging modality that provides high-quality, accurate three-dimensional (3D) representations of the osseous elements of the maxillofacial skeleton. CBCT systems are available that provide small field of view images at low dose with sufficient spatial resolution for applications in endodontic diagnosis, treatment guidance, and posttreatment evaluation.

Digital Radiography

The advanced Planmeca ProX™ intraoral X-ray unit provides easy and precise positioning, a straightforward imaging process, and top-quality images in high resolution.

TDO Software

We use TDO Software as it is considered the best endodontic software available. It is used to manage all patient records and information and has comprehensive modules that make our office paperless, a great convenience for our patients and referring dentists.  The website integration allows our patients to securely access the site to complete the medical history and consent forms online before their appointment. The software allows our referring dentists to make referrals and receive their patients’ reports and imaging through a secured HIPAA compliant portal right after the patient is seen.  This technology enables us to diagnose and treat our patients more efficiently and to communicate more effectively with both the patient and the referring doctor that is secured and HIPAA compliant.