COVID-19 Information


Effective May 1, 2020, JL Endodontics has instituted measures in order to further protect the health and safety of patients, staff, families and the community at large from the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

We will continue to provide the highest level of care to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. We remain dedicated to providing care in the safest environment and with the highest level of sterility.

Our protocols include telephone pre-screening for all patients, as well as comprehensive in-person screening for all patients. You will also be required to review and sign the Covid-19 Dental Treatment Consent Form.  We recommend patients refrain from bringing anyone to your appointment with you if not required, as we want to further assure the protection of patients and staff.

We have modified our waiting room to ensure physical distancing, increased the frequency of cleaning the waiting areas, reception, examination and treatment rooms and the highest level of appropriate PPE is provided for all of our treatment staff. Hepa filtration systems have also been installed throughout the clinic to ensure the air is as clean as possible.

Please rest assured that the safety of everyone is our greatest concern. We appreciate your ongoing loyalty and trust in our practice, and we wish you and your family the best of health and safety at this time.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 780-989-3346.